Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thing 1: Blogging & Registering

Well, here we go!

I will be the first to admit that I am a bit tech shy. I am not really afraid of it, it's just not something I am terribly interested in. However, as a librarian, I need to at least be familiar with what is out there. 23 Mobile Things is a wonderful way to experience new ways (at least to me) to use technology to its full advantage. 

The first thing was to set up a blog and register. Not too difficult. The only problem I had was with the Apple ID and password. It kept telling me it was wrong even though I had just created it. I finally went in and changed it completely. After that, I had no problem!

Created a blog, registered with 23 Mobile Things, and wrote my first blog entry. Thing 1 is complete! 22 more to go!  

Make it a good one!
The Library Lady

P.S. Wrote this entry on the iPad. That's going to take some time to get used to. 


  1. Library Lady,

    You are on your way. It is important that we librarians use the technology of our patrons if we are going to remain germane wtih them. As life-long learners we should welcome opportunities to discove new ways to communicate and doing things. It continues to make us feel in touch with what is happening around us.

    Happy blogging. Onward and upword!

  2. Thanks Orrin! I couldn't agree more!
